Sunday, April 14, 2013

Random Jumble

Boyfriend is coming over today. He came over Friday as well and made me eat pizza >~< He says I'm "too skinny" bullshit I'm too fat. Oh well, as long as he loves me. Well, went to the college tour yesterday. The lady there said I had a high chance of being accepted!^_^ Hope so! *fingers crossed*  It'll be easier to fast and diet there with no mom or boyfriend standing over my shoulder telling me to eat. I will miss them though): But, the pros out weigh the cons of this situation.

Still have no scale, so no idea as to how much I weigh ;-;

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

College Trips and Fat Hips

So, this Saturday (April 13th) I shall be attending a College "Open House". My goal is to at least look decent by then, but not completely starve myself because I really don't want to pass out or have my stomach grumble during it >~< Yes, I'm only 16. Yes, I'll only be in 11th grade next year. But I got a letter from this college asking me if I would like to be a part of their Dual Enrollment Program. Um, of course I would! That would put me two years ahead of most people my age! I will not fuck this up with fatness or starvation.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Day 1 of the ABC Diet:
Mom made me eat spaghetti for dinner~ not sure of the calorie content?
Sunchips-Harvest cheddar~ 140 cals.

I'm fairly certain I stayed under? Hoping. I'll have a better day tomorrow(:
Stay strong :*

Saturday, April 6, 2013

ABC Diet

Hello lovelys! Sorry I haven't been blogging, I've been on vacation with no internet >~< And needless to say, I'm a fat failure. I spent the whole week eating v.v So, on Monday, I'm starting to ABC diet. I've done it before, and ended up losing ten pounds even though I slipped up a few days. I'm hoping for even more weightloss if I stay on track? I weighed myself today. (please keep in mind I weighed fully clothed on our broken scale that gives you an estimated weight and I could be anywhere in a 10lbs range) I was 140. Back to my highest freaking weight. I have to fix this! and I shall. Tomorrow I am fasting. Then Monday I am starting the diet. Does anybody want to do it with me? It's easier with friends lol.