Saturday, February 23, 2013


So I'm at my Grandparents house(completely different state then where I live) and I'm going to go to my dad's house. Well, on the plus side, neither house ever has any snack type junk food. The down side though? I'm forced to eat three full square meals a day. Those meals aren't always healthy and my stomach is not used to so much food much less unhealthy food! I always end up gaining SO much weight. Today I've already eaten a bowl of cereal and a cookie! (the time this blog will say it posted is wrong the time is messed up on here and I'm not sure how to fix it) it's 11:19 AM as i typed it. WHen i post oit may be a bit later but whatever. Anywho, I ate the cheerios and cookie and went to my Opa's (grandfather) garage to work it off. He used to have a treadmill, and elliptical, etc. It's all gone! I'm so screwed. Maybe I can convince my dad to go on a walk with me? Big city so he wont let me go on my own. :/

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